Worn Down by Time

"Visage" 5 x 7in Chalk Pastel on Paper
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This piece was based on a reference photo of a stone carving, which appeared flat on the back, with the face rising out of the stone front.

It started as a 15 minute daily painting, and ended up taking a bit longer (as most do) because I wanted to add depth to the piece. It was finished fairly quickly though, because I had been contemplating the photo off and on for the last week, visualizing colors and composition. I find that when I keep an idea on the burner a little longer, and revisit if frequently, it gives me a much stronger guide when the time comes to actually create the piece.

I think I like painting ancient things because they have been stripped down by time, and leave much to the imagination. In our high definition world, there is little room to imagine how things might look if their colors or shapes were altered. This piece probably had strong markings and a bright coat of paint at one time, but I prefer the basic core of the piece: the part that's left after time and atmosphere have worn it down.

I'm still not sure why I prefer Egyptian artifacts to those in other parts of the world, but I think it has something to do with the mathematical structure of the pieces. I also prefer the mystery of Ancient Egyptian culture. It gives me an extra little connection to what I'm painting.

This latest piece also looks nice next to the previous Egyptian piece, as they were painted on the same brand and tone of paper (Canson Mi-Teintes):

"Visage " (5 x7) "Vessels" (5 x 9.5)

To see more of my pieces inspired by the Ancient Egyptians, click here:


To see original works for sale, click here:



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