10 Reasons to Love Pastel: It Looks Great Over Watercolor!

"Abstract Flower" (View 1)
6 x 9 in. Pastel on Watercolor-Toned Paper
In the previous post, my number 10 reason for loving pastels was that they can be blended with water (chalk pastels in this case). 
Now for number nine: You can use it over watercolor!
Another great technique for working with pastel is to tone some paper with watercolor, and create a dry pastel painting on the toned paper.  I did this in the piece above, using green watercolor on paper before working in the red, purple, and yellow-green tones with pastel. 
Some tips for using watercolor as a surface primer for a pastel painting:
Vary the tones and values of the watercolor, so it creates an interesting background for your pastel.
Make sure the watercolor has plenty of time to dry completely before you start working with the pastel--otherwise you run the risk of ripping your paper.
Higher quality paper will hold up better under the combination of watercolor and pastel, and gives a softer effect when complete.
Don't forget to tape down your watercolor paper before you tone your surface!
"Abstract Flower" is a painting that can be turned in any direction, so I haven't signed it--once it's purchased, the buyer can choose which way the painting will be presented, and I'll sign the bottom right hand corner of the piece then. 



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