Harvest Time

"Harvest Time" 9 x 12 Chalk Pastel on Paper
Click here to purchase

Back from a hiatus, and in the fall mood...

I used good old Arches watercolor paper for this piece, and blended my chalks using water. The color scheme was supposed to be red, gold, and green based colors, but I had to add a bit of purple for emphasis. It's a scene from our trip last year to Lavender Hill Pumpkin Patch in Fallbrook. I always spend a little too much time hovering around the different types of pumpkinsand gourds, snapping as many photos as I can for later paintings. I guess you could say that I share my toddler's excitement when it comes to the sight of pumpkins.

This was the first piece I painted in the last couple of weeks that I felt like sharing. I'd intended to paint through a trip up north and continue painting on return; unfortunately, it took me a while to jump back into my routine. Taking a break gave me a chance to get a fresh perspective on my art, and now I'm back into daily painting mode and ready to catch up on posting.

In other news, I have two pieces in the Fallbrook Art Association fall show, located at 103 S. Main Ave. The show opens Friday, October 28th and runs through Sunday, November 13th. Click here for more details:http://www.fallbrookartcenter.org/exhibitions-a-events/current/171-fallbrook-art-associations-open-judged-show.html

Want to see more nature-inspired originals?
Click here to view my botanical and garden gallery!


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