The Power of Impressionism

Impressionism has been popular for over a hundred years, while many other art styles have come and gone... why is that?

"Water Lilies"
Prints Available
I used to thing it was just the immediacy of the artwork, combined with the picturesque scenes painted by the original impressionists.  Those are of course great reasons to love impressionism! However, I enjoy a modern-day impressionistic scene just as much as those of the original famous impressionists. 

"Mission Water Lilies"
Available on Etsy
Of course, water lilies are just as amazing to observe and paint today as they were 150 years ago.   

"Oak Pair"
Available on My Website

One reason I think impressionism is still a popular style is because for us (the viewers), it allows our eyes to do part of the work.  It gives the initial impression, and lets viewers fill in the details on their own.  (This might also be why some people dislike impressionism-- they are searching for details that aren't there!)

I think of this as the "Betty Crocker" effect-- when you make a cake from a boxed mix, there's just enough work for you to do to feel as though you did some baking, but not so much as to make it feel daunting.  Impressionistic artwork leads you in with a flash of light and color, and your eyes get to participate in the realization of the scene without having to completely come up with it on your own.  

On a seemingly unrelated topic, my daughter and  I have been "racing" each other reading old Nancy Drew books.  Re-reading these books as an adult gives me a new appreciation of what I loved about them as a child: although the plot has many carefully orchestrated details, the descriptions are just vague enough to allow the reader to visualize the characters and settings in her own mind.  Compared to how children's books are written today, these books have much more generic descriptions--but give you just enough to get drawn in and do some of your own imagining as you read.

So here's hoping that now, in our overly-detailed lives, there will still be room for some old-fashioned writing and painting-- the kind that leaves room for the readers or viewers to participate in filling in the details with their own eyes and imaginations!

If you like impressionistic art, please visit my "Water Reflections" gallery of artwork!


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