Joy Comes with the Morning: Inspirational Sunrises

"Joy Comes with the Morning"
Click here to view on my website
Morning has never been my strongest time of day-- and yet, I find it the most beautiful time to be outside.  The cool, fresh air along with the sun's approaching light are hard to resist.  A morning after a storm can be particularly beautiful, with the colors and remnants of storm clouds streaked across the sky.

"Stormy Dawn"
Original Sold
Even if the night was not particularly restful, or the previous day ended in tears, there is something uplifting about waking in the morning and knowing you have the whole day ahead of you to find something joyful.  Even if it's something small like the smile on my child's face, a happily wagging tail, or a delightfully strong cup of tea, I try to find something each day to enjoy.

"Early Light"
Click here to view details
Even when there are clouds in the morning here, there are still unique sights such as dew on spiderwebs and plants and birds flitting in and out of the brush and trees.  The clouds themselves can form a comforting blanket above the hills, making us feel snug and cozy heading back into the warm house after a morning walk.

"Morning Sky"
Click here to view details
Sometimes the colors and shapes of the morning clouds are so breathtakingly vivid, I wonder if I should bring the pastels out and try to capture them.   I know if I do, though, they will have changed by the time I sit down to paint.  I will occasionally take pictures for later.  Usually, I just try to appreciate them in the moment.  The quiet anticipation of the morning lights and sounds only lasts for a bit before life hits me in the face: pets and people to feed and care for, tasks to complete, and problems to solve.  Even though there are new problems to face each day, I enjoy the burst of life awakening around me outside as I start the day.  

Until the kids start bickering, at least!

If you like these paintings, check out my Skyscapes Collection on Etsy!


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