Full- Tilt Pitchers (stylizing objects with pastel)

"Egyptian Pitchers" 9 x 12 Chalk Pastel on Paper
Click here to buy print:

I liked these pitchers, and wanted to paint them. I was having trouble getting started because they looked so... orderly. Upon closer examination, I noticed that the necks on a couple of them tilted at a slight angle. This made them a little more interesting, and gave me an idea-- why not exaggerate the tilt to make them more fun to look at? So, instead of trying to faithfully render the pitchers, I rearranged them a little and increased the tilt on some of the lines.

I was enjoying the effect of the extra soft pastels on the toothy dark paper, and wanted to keep some of that soft light, so I left those areas alone. The original pitchers were all pretty neutral in color, so I added some brighter colored accents and complementary colors to liven them up.

I always think to myself that if I had a little more control and patience while I painted (and kept my touch a little lighter), I might end up with some nice soft, realistic pieces. But, I also wouldn't have as much fun-- and if I want realism, I can always stick with my reference photos. After finishing this piece, I'm glad I stylized-- these pitchers look like they have one last party left in them.

Got to briefly look through the FAA art show today-- I have two pieces in the show. If you're in the San Diego area in the next two weeks, this show has quite a few beautiful, unique pieces in it. Click here for more info:

To see more of my Egyptian inspired work, click here:


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