There She Is!

She's much bigger now-- but I remember that first glimpse on the screen. Sifting through some photos today, I found a batch of the little one's ultrasound photos, and decided to try my own version with pastel. I used the dark paper, because I know it was probably pretty dark in there-- as it was in the ultrasound room, save for the lights that kept squirming around on the monitor.
I had to work quickly, while the star of the painting took her nap. Of course, in the few minutes I left my pastels, she snuck out of bed and helped herself to the chalk and paper. I came back into the room to find her working VERY quietly, her fingers covered in pastel. Later, when I went back to work, I noted that not only had she made her own little marks on the paper, she made them using the red shade I had used. I had to ruefully smear away some of her marks, but I tried to save a few to show her one day when she is older, so she can appreciate her early artistic attempts.
"There She Is"
9 x 12 Chalk Pastel on Paper
Prints available on RedBubble:


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