Remember Narnia?
"Bowing Oak" 9 x 12 inch Chalk pastel on flat canvas Click here to view large or purchase There are many sights that inspire artists here in Fallbrook. Live Oak Park is both a wonderful location for families and a great place to take in the play of light and shadow on the trees. As a child, I remember enjoying the twists and turns of the park and the large, shady areas to run wild with other kids. As an adult who likes to paint trees, I have a whole new appreciation for the park. The tree in the painting above inspired me both from an artist's and a child's point of view. It reminded me of the dryads in one of my favorite childhood book series, The Chronicles of Narnia . Although I enjoy the Narnia movies, my memories of the books are much stronger, and one of the scenes I often think of when I see such lifelike trees is when Susan and Lucy happened upon the Dryads dancing in the moonlight. "Bowing Oak" was created with my favorite ...