Collage: As Fun As It Looks!
"La Chatte Orange" 12 x 16 Mixed Media on Paper Click here to view Etsy listing This piece isn't too much different from my mixed media works, except for the text. It was adding the text, however, that made this piece an official collage for me. It was originally just a little mixed media cat, but I wasn't too excited about the finished look. Layering tissue paper, acrylic (including some metallic gold paint), and chalk pastel, I thought the piece would have more punch when it was finished. I gave it the title "Chat Orange," which got me thinking about what influenced the piece in the first place. Toulouse Lautrec has always been one of my favorite painters, and the "Chat Noir" prints have been regulars in home decor and greeting cards in my family. I was disappointed to learn as an adult that the Chat Noir was actually a bar, not a character that would appear in more of his pictures. When I started my "Chatte Orange," the init...